Now that many users are used to Telegram, Viber, WhatsApp, Skype, there is still the popularity of similar messengers and some issues simultaneously. So, some of these programs do not have a sufficient level of security at all. Some of these disappoint users with a small number of their features. It is worth mentioning WhatsApp, which today has earned the status of the most popular messenger, but many users find it a very inconvenient one. By the way, many independent developers even create their modified versions of this program. One of the most successful among them is Jtwhatsapp.
However, the issue of security is much more tough than you might imagine. Security agencies and those corporations that produce and support messengers often like to invade users’ privacy. Among the above-mentioned messengers, only Telegram has not been compromised, but also this social network has maximum encryption available only in secret chats. Any user who accesses the user’s smartphone will be able to read the messages too. However, today, users have more secure messengers that guarantee peace of mind for those who seek to achieve a higher level of privacy.
One of the most reliable messengers is Signal. It is sold for free, and the degree of reliability of this program is so high that among the people who recommend it for use, there is even a famous CIA and NSA official Edward Snowden. You can use Signal and send messages and make calls to subscribers. In doing so, you will be absolutely sure that the information you transmit is securely encrypted. Even software developers themselves cannot get confidential data from their users.
Also, some of them are so confident in their product that they have even released the program’s protocols to the public. And after their detailed learning, the most modern specialists were able to confirm the fact that Signal is one of the most protected messengers.
Direct rival of Signal is the program Threema. But, it is not free, although the cost of purchase is low and is only 2 USD. when you try this program for the first time, you will need to create your personal original identifier. The user will simply have to touch the display with his finger.
The only potential vulnerability is the process of inviting users to hang out. You can scan the QR code of your buddy’s account to avoid getting into trouble during the invitation. Once you do that, all the information becomes encrypted and only the recipient can read it.
Silent Phone
It’s a paid messenger that you can only use after you pay $100. This is the minimum amount to obtain secure cryptographic encryption for text, video, and audio messages that are hundreds of megabytes long. If you want more data, you have to pay more money to the developer. Then you will get a more advanced subscription to this program.
When you start using this messenger, you will be able to appreciate its strong encryption and high level of protection of your device from screenshots of correspondence. You may forget to worry that the recipient will save the conversation and then send it to third parties.
Each message is deleted after a while, and no one can recover it. If the recipient tries to take a screenshot, he simply cannot complete it. In addition, the recipient will immediately receive a notice that the correspondence was being saved. However, there is another strength, which is that each user will first look at the squares, and only then will he be able to read your message when his finger touches the display.
You can download this and other useful programs through a visit to a special site that will help you start applications free downloads. You will be pleased to see a large assortment of these. Also, you will be able to make a free Siri download for Android, and then, you will get a smart assistant that is officially available only to iPhone owners.